Let That Ish Go

I turned 31 this year, and I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but that means I am a grown up.

As said grown up, I feel like it's time to grow up. You see I used to love to write. I don't want to say blog, because I don't take photos of glamorous outfits, and my picture taking abilities are limited at best, but writing I do enjoy. 

Flash back a few years, I had dinner with an old guy friend from high school, who told me that his ex girlfriend had found my blog and loved to make fun of it. Apparently this person who I had never met didn't like my connection to her boyfriend, and in turn hated me/my writing?

I pretended that didn't bother me until today, when I finally admitted to my boyfriend that I never wrote another blog post again after that day. 

This is where being a grown up comes into play. I have grown up so much in the past few years, more than I ever could have imagined. Why in the world did I care about what this girl thought? I like to write, I have musings, endless self imposed projects whose success/failure is entertainingly document-able. If nothing else,I am not an Instagram influencer and that has to count for something.

So here we go. Feel free to make fun, or you know, enjoy. The choice is yours. 

But I'm gonna be here either way. 
